Stampeding Elephants
The COVID-19 pandemic poses a clear threat to human life and the global economy. The leaders of countries across the globe are having to act rapidly to fight both threats, ...
One year on…
It is with great pride that I look back on the first year of the LF Havelock Global Select Fund’s life. In this time there have been two distinct phases ...
Value vs growth… why not have both?
As the name implies, when you own a share you own a slice of a business. The market price of your share should depend on the existing value in the ...
What’s inside your pie?
As professional investors, managing the risk of losing money is a responsibility we take very seriously. The traditional approach when managing a portfolio is to allocate money to different opportunities ...
Concentrating on risk
Successful active management comes from two components; investment selection and portfolio construction. Very crudely, the former is about maximising long-term returns and the latter is about ensuring there are no ...
Podcast: Lipper Alpha Insight
Nearly one year on, Jake Moeller returns to Havelock London to chat once again to CEO Matthew Beddall about the company's progress and recently-launched fund, LF Havelock Global Select. Listen ...
January Sales
Who doesn’t love a sale bargain? If you are like me, knowledge that you paid less than others, is enough to leave you feeling quietly smug about a new purchase, ...
Rising wealth and market health
Like many investors, we worry about current equity market valuations looking historically high. Surely markets cannot continue to defy gravity? ...